Everything is magical and whimsical; we just need to allow our self to see it

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Makeup Beauty Hauls

empowering women with makeup

I have been watching so many YouTube videos from (which have become my favorite) Makeup Guru's.  Nikkii Tutorials, aLovetartMary, and Kandee Johnson, just to name a few out of a very long list.  Anyway, they have some amazing tutorials, amazing product reviews and amazing laugh your ass off videos (Nikkii Tutorials, you and Jeffree Star Rock!!!)

So as I am watching these videos, becoming more amazed each time I watch them.  I often wonder if 'blogs' ever get the same attention as video's? Maybe not though, it is a hell of a lot easier to watch something than reading it.  Than I wondered, can anyone really get to know a person's personality through blog post?  I am still out in left field with that one.  I am told all of the time, I write exactly the way I talk in person... so when you read my post, it is like me talking to you. *laughs* Yes, nothing in my post is prim and proper.

So here are my thoughts... if I was to start writing about my beauty hauls, my restrictions I am putting on myself about purchasing makeup, whats in my purse kinda of post, would anyone care or read them? I do and I would. May be I am just a curious kind of female who loves to hear about peoples opinions about makeup, what they carry in their purse (talking about makeup, nothing personal!) and what their loves and hates are in makeup. Who all subscribes to beauty clubs each month, what is your favorite, least favorite?  I am thinking it would be cool...

I have been wondering lately if I should focus more on videos.. and although I know that may be the best way.. I am just not feeling it.  I believe there are stars, and there is a background for the stars to shine.  I like being the background, and/or behind the scene kinda of person, I have always been like that.

To quote Bette Midler from the Rose, "Hello is anybody out there?" What are you thoughts.. seriously?   Do you think blog post could capture someone's attention enough to get to know the author and to be interest enough in reading other post they wrote or will write? Or hell no.. reading beauty blog post is like adding ingredients to a giant pot of stew -adding one more ingredient is not going to make that much of a difference, or will it?

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